Handmade tinplate oil bottles and lamps made using traditional tinsmithing methods. Derived from a traditional styles, which were widely used across the UK on steam and early diesel engines.

Derived from traditional style tinplate tools, which were widely used across the UK.
About the "Norfolk Tinman"
These are handmade made using traditional methods by second generation tinsmith Nick, the 'Norfolk Tinman,' who has years of experience crafting these intricate, practical and functional tools for use at preserved railways all over the country.

Traditional Manufacturing Methods
Want to look the part?
If you own an engine you're proud of you want it to look the part when it's in operation. We've seen plenty of stunning photos taken of miniature locomotives that are ruined by an out of place plastic bottle or debris which has been left in the shot. With our Norfolk tinman range they look in keeping with miniature live steam which will achieve a practical purpose.
The Norfolk tinman range is designed to look in-keeping with a Miniature railway. These are scaled down versions of the original but allowances have been made to ensure that the handle has the right grip and the design functions correctly in this scaled down form.