This is the fourth in our weekly "Meet the Team Mondays" where we share more about the individuals that make MRW what it is today,

My Bark-ground
Before I came to the UK I studied Product Design at University in Kyiv, Ukraine. I especially loved learning about CAD (Canine Advanced Design). For my final project I designed a
highly durable slipper that I could chew to my heart’s content. Unfortunately, when I returned to my home village in Donetsk region, war was breaking out and my family left me behind when they fled. I sought help from some kind soldiers who led me to a refugee shelter called Paw Help UK and eventually I was adopted by Dan & Kathy in Feb of this year (2024).

It's a Dog’s Life at MRW
I carry out many different duties here at MRW. One of these is quality control. I make sure locos are fit for purpose by chasing them up and down the track. I’m also head of security and make sure to bark loudly when anyone comes into the workshop, just in case they’re trying to steal our precious stock.

I’m always happy to lend a paw if Dan or any of the other employees need help with something but due to my lack of opposable thumbs I tend to engage more in project management and planning rather than practical jobs. I receive payment in the form of fishy biscuit treats and belly rubs which suits me just fine. I’m always seeking to enhance my professional knowledge and progress in my career. Since I’m only a year and a half old it’s still possible for me to learn new tricks. One of my big ideas is to support Dan with designing a new loco – the K9.

What gets my Tail Wagging?
When I’m not working at MRW I enjoy going for long walks around the hills and woods of Hucknall, chasing squirrels, and finding balls that have been left behind in bushes and hedges. I like playing fetch but I prefer to just keep the ball, rather than bringing it back. I love cats but they tend to just run away from me or make a hissing sound – much like a steam loco! One on of our days off Dan took me on the North Norfolk Railway which was really fun. I enjoyed sitting on the comfy seats in the carriage and watching the world go by. Dan said dogs aren’t really meant to sit on the seats, but he let me off this one time because I’d been such a good girl.

Where will it all lead?
I hope to stay in the UK and working at MRW for many years to come. I’m currently undertaking a CPD course (Cuddles for Pampered Dogs) which is supporting me to be a more valuable member of the team. Maybe one day I’ll even learn how to use a spanner! As well as being Dan’s best friend I love helping him in a professional capacity too and at the end of a long day I help him to wind down by licking him all over – I just love the taste of grease!
Woof Woof very good ha ha!