Here at MRW we have gone through some monumental change in the last 6 months.
We have taken on new premises and the team behind the MRW products has also changed, with a number of new faces. This blog post is a little update on what we have been up to with, info about future plans for the summer.
Nearly 5 months after moving into the new workshop in Kirkby-in-Ashfield and we are still feeling the ripples of the disruption caused by they move. Importantly as a team, the new workshop is now starting to “work” for us! The space is getting more organised with each passing week, with a place for everything and everything in its place.
Matt Cross has joined the team and brought with him a wealth of knowledge about railways both new and old. Matt is local to Kirkby and has enjoyed helping out on a number of projects we have undertaken in spare evenings and weekends. He’s really joined in with the spirit of MRW and not only already attended one off site event, but also got his name down for a number of upcoming events too!

Also, we put out a call for a Design/Engineering Internship and have gained assistance in the form of two new candidates. Firstly is Gene from Nottingham Trent University, who is currently with us and working through a host of projects. He will be posting a blog entry at the end of the internship to summarise everything he’s been doing, so be sure to look out for that. Following closely on his heels is Haven, who will be joining us to help take some brand new products to market. If you too are interested in joining the MRW team as a Design/Engineering Internship please do make contact with us. More information can be found here:
We have POWER!

Our excellent electricians RH Electrical have installed the 3-phase to the workshop. This now means we can run all the machines and are catching up on our production work for customers.
Both James and Dan have been working their socks off these last few months since moving into our new workshop in Kirkby and it is finally starting to come together with machines wired in and orders heading out. If you do have an order In with us at the moment please bear with us, our focus here at MRW has always been on quality, so we do not like to rush orders out of the door. Every panel is assembled before it leaves and everything checked over carefully, meaning we are confident that when it reaches you, it is right. This takes time as does the manufacture, so thanks again for your patience and understanding.
Fun at Statfold Barn
We had a brilliant time showing off our products at Statfold Barn and are in discussions to attend again later this year for another event as we had such a good time. It was also highly enjoyable running the Neptune 4 at this event on the demonstration railway, with no less that 3 sets of portable points. We ran the loco on the 4.5m radius S radius curves all weekend without a single derailment or issue, a testament to the design and their quality. Take a look for yourself how well our points trail and the point lever weights work.
🎉New product added to our website - locomotive rolling roads!!🎉
Manufactured in the UK by CMD engineering with over 1000 units sold world wide, we are proud to offer these products on our web-shop in 7 1/4, 5 and 3 1/2 inch gauges. See the product listing for further information:-
Our 2022 brochure is here!

The new 2022 brochures have landed and we're delighted with how they've turned out. The printers have done us proud and got these out to us in record quick time! Printed copies are available in our show room or at events, and we will also be including them free of charge with larger orders
Packed full of new products this brochure is nearly double the size of the 2021 version, with many completely brand new products included.
Some of the updated products included in this brochure:
Starter Packs of Jubilee Track - Page 19
7¼ & 5 & 3.5” Straight Portable Jubilee Track Panel - Page 22
Click and Play track range - Page 27
Semi-Permanent and Permanent Track Products - Page 31 - 39
Speed signs - Page 47 - 48
The Colin Edmondson range of turntables - Page 57
Huge expansion of our Couplings and Braking range Page 59 - 69
Brand new product range for; Locomotive Moving Products Page 70
Also for the first time we now have a Publications section including two of Colin’s Books. Page 73
There is so much to see in the new brochure you really must head over to the MRW site and give it a look for yourself!
“Catch Me Who Can” at Colne Valley Miniature Railway Gala

For the first time in public we ran a circular 7 ¼" gauge railway reminiscent of the first locomotive to carry fare-paying passengers “Catch Me Who Can'' which disputably ran on a circular railway in London during the early 1800’s.
Unlike Travivics railway from the 1800’s, our locomotive the Neptune 4 did not cause the rails to break under its load and despite us running on quite an uneven car park with very tight curves, we did not experience a single derailment or issue all weekend - a great testament to the AME.
loco and the MRW Track. Following on from two very successful days running on the portable track, Dan took the Neptune 4 out for a run on the main railway and grabbed this very lucky opportunity photo below.

The highlight of the weekend at Colne Valley Railway was the full size loco passing the miniatures. We ran the Neptune 4 on our own portable track raising funds and awareness about Top Field Light Railway. As a very final hurrah on the Sunday, we took the Neptune 4 for a run on the permanent track at Colne valley and it ran really well.
We have been completely won over by this loco as it has buckets of power and is easy to transport.
We look forward to returning in the future and really enjoyed the weekend.
Strumpshaw Steam Rally Next!

We will be supporting Top Field Light Railway at their annual portable railway run-out at Strumpshaw steam rally for the Queen's Jubilee and will be running on some of the very first Jubilee track MRW ever built! We should be joined by a number of other MRW friends and the entire event should be a very enjoyable occasion. If you are in the area, why not pop along and say hello! We would be very happy to see you!
Our showroom is currently open and all set up for visitors until Friday the 27th so please make an appointment by contacting us by; Phone, Email or Facebook.
The showroom will be closed between 30th May - 6th July as many of the items will be at Strumpshaw Steam Rally.